ADHD and other disordersKids and procrastination

Kids and procrastination

Kids do well if they can - they'd prefer to be doing well just like the rest of us. They do poorly when life demands skills they are lacking." - Dr. Ross Greene

Are your kids not doing well in school? Is procrastination at the top of their list? Then, you’re not alone. Think back to when you were their age. Being good in school or work requires more than just showing up. It requires lots of practice, discipline and a ton of guidance. Those are all the things that need to be taught at home. NOT AT SCHOOL!
The earlier your child learns about time management, the easier their life will become – I promise. Teaching them to be responsible and accountable will definitely help your relationship too! Everyone is busier than ever, including our kids and stress is at an all-time high.
Time management leads to better decision-making, better performance, increased independence, more opportunities, better relationships, and less anxiety. It’s never too early to start. Kids love structure and schedules. Once you come up with a concrete plan, you can set it and forget it. (Insert your Ronco Showtime Rotisserie meme here. Lol. I’ve just dated myself.)
Here are some of the tips I use with my students:
1️⃣ Buy tools for time management. We’re big fans of physical school planners and colorful, Paper Mate Flair pens for children to write down and cross of their school work (once turned in!). We also created Earnie Jr. the parenting app that manages your children’s day-to-day schedule.
2️⃣ Map out their routine. Coming home, having a snack, and then doing homework is a healthy habit. Setting clothes out the night before will eliminate wasted, stressful time in the morning. Creating a routine helps create order. Suggesting and modeling good time management habits will help your kids follow suit.
3️⃣ Have them write out their own schedules. Everything must be on their planner. From after-school activities, jobs, homework, chores, and other responsibilities. They may need help prioritizing activities and events and you can see it on their schedule.
4️⃣ Set goals together. They may be struggling with something other than procrastination. Talk to your child about the personal goals they would like to reach.
5️⃣ Establish rules and stop nagging! Set clear rules and expectations for their day. Don’t nag them or offer repeat reminders (that’s where Earnie Jr. comes in). You’re only reducing their responsibility. Kids can easily get sidetracked with their cell phones or gaming. They are the reward in the day after their commitments have been met or consequences will follow. 🙅
Time management is something that takes time and a plan! Remember, kids will be kids and they will definitely make mistakes. Download Earnie Jr. today to reduce the stress of parenting and make things easier for you and your kids.

Say goodbye to messy rooms and late homework assignments!
