The parent app controls everything. Quickly assign and schedule tasks with easy to understand icons. Map out clear expectations and behaviors for the child.

You can easily keep tabs on what your child is doing and not doing. They can be pretty little liars! Scheduling repeat tasks and keep track on the easy to use family calendar. Essentially you are setting alarm reminders to have Earnie Jr. do the nagging for you!

Never worry about your kids clicking aimlessly on Earnie Jr. There are absolutely NO ADS! Kids get notifications and reminders on their phone or tablet with their tasks for the day. You and your child pick the potential rewards that they can use, redeem or stash for future use! Kids accomplish their tasks and a push notification goes directly to the parent.

Earnie Jr. Parenting App Rewards Screen

A child who can master a complicated computer game can easily run the dishwasher!


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