Breakfast for Dinner

Breakfast for Dinner

Sometimes we forget that little things can be rewards for children like breakfast for dinner, picking the movie, inviting friends over to play, or taking a bike ride with a parent. Hugs, high fives, winks, and compliments on their hard work are important short-term motivators.

Stock up Earnie Jr. with non-monetary rewards like a family dance party, play catch outside, board game night, build an obstacle course, extra treat after dinner, a no chores pass, you choose what to wear day, visit grandma, and/or a teddy bear tea party. 

Money is great but kids are extremely expensive these days between cell phones and organized sports. Also, giving children money at a young age doesn’t make much sense nor will it drive them the way these other ideas will. Most (young) kids will tell you the best reward is spending time with a loved one!


